Attn: Download New Emergency Procedure Forms in Wake of COVID-19 Outbreak Here

As a free service to the members of the Family Law Section of the State Bar of Texas, please find an Order on Motion for Use of Emergency Procedures, which will become Form 8-82 in the Family Law Practice Manual (“the Formbook”) ( Among other features, this order contains a model of detailed procedures for remote proceedings.
Your Family Law Section is also providing a Motion for Use of Emergency Procedures, which will become Form 8-81 in the Formbook. You may use this form to request different types of relief from the courts during a state of emergency affecting the county in which a case is pending.
Both forms have been reviewed and edited by the Section’s Formbook Committee ( and by Sue Mills, Project Publications Attorney with Texas Bar Books. We sincerely hope these forms will assist you and the courts you practice before.
Christopher Nickelson
Chair, Family Law Section